
Concentrate and aim for the momentary gap when it appears! Kuma the Bear's game is easy and fun for everyone to play! "Nightbird Trigger 2!" is a point-shooting game that only requires your finger to play! Use your trusty laser gun to bypass the sophisticated security in the lab and make your escape! Controls are simple! Concentrate on the moving security blocks and watch for a gap to shoot through. When you see your chance, tap the screen to shoot! Keep shooting through the security blocks and make your way towards the exit! How quickly can you bypass security to escape? ["Nightbird Trigger 2!" Highlights] ◆ One-tap game controls are fun for everyone! ◆ Experience the thrill of timing a perfect shot through the gap! ◆ The more you play, the better you will get! Compete with your friends to see who gets the best time! - COLOPL, Inc. - 集中精力,瞄準的瞬間的差距,當它出現! 庫瑪熊的游戲給大家玩的方便和樂趣! 的“Nightbird觸發(fā)2!”是一個點的射擊游戲,只需要你的手指玩! 使用您值得信賴的激光槍,繞過在實驗室和先進的安全性,讓你的逃生! 控制簡單! 專注于移動安全模塊,并看差距射穿。當你看到你的機會,點選畫面拍攝! 保持拍攝通過安全塊,并用自己的方式向出口! 你如何能迅速繞過安全逃脫呢? [的“Nightbird觸發(fā)2!”摘要] ◆游戲控制每個人的樂趣! ◆體驗一個完美的鏡頭通過間隙時間的快感! ◆你越玩,你會得到更好的!跟你的朋友,看看誰得到的最好時機! - COLOPL -