
歐洲的各個省會城市,而對時鐘的賽車比賽!古典音樂的支持,您將獲得點匹配對歐洲國家的首都城市符號。 城市包括:阿姆斯特丹,柏林,巴黎,哥本哈根,奧斯陸,赫爾辛基,布拉格,雅典,馬德里,羅馬,維也納,斯德哥爾摩,布達佩斯,Bukarest和布魯塞爾。 有三種不同的難度級別: - 很簡單:它們匹配5張卡片和60秒4。 - 正常:6卡和90秒5,以配合他們。 - 硬盤:6卡秒和75秒5,以配合他們。 - 返回按鈕將退出比賽。 享受! Match the various capital cities of Europe while racing against the clock! Supported by orcherstral music, you earn points matching pairs of European capital city symbols. Cities included: Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Copenhagen, Oslo, Helsinki, Prague, Athens, Madrid, Rome, Vienna, Stockholm, Budapest, Bukarest and Brussels. There are three different difficulty levels: - Easy: 4 by 5 cards and 60 seconds to match them. - Normal: 5 by 6 cards and 90 seconds to match them. - Hard: 5 by 6 cards and 75 seconds to match them. - Return button will quit the game. Enjoy!