手機游戲> Out Of Memory> 游戲攻略> 綜合篇> 洛奇英雄傳解決游戲out of memory最佳補丁修改方案一覽
洛奇英雄傳解決游戲out of memory最佳補丁修改方案一覽
洛奇英雄傳解決游戲out of memory最佳補丁修改方案一覽,大部分的玩家應該都碰上了這該死的內存不足吧。帶來洛奇英雄傳解決游戲out of memory最佳補丁修改方案,如果不想辛辛苦苦刷副本,耗費大量藥水突然游戲卡死彈出不妨就來參考。
當你辛辛苦苦刷副本,耗費大量藥水、羽毛甚至女神加上無盡的精力把BOSS推到最后幾條血的時候,突然游戲卡死彈出out of memory,簡直是坑爹啊有木有
以下便是out of memory 的解決方案,親測之后游戲再也沒有出現(xiàn)過這種坑爹情況。
out of memory了。
文件編輯器 Explorer Suite(
下 載安裝完成后運行CFF Explorer,選擇open,打開洛英目錄下的
就會出現(xiàn)一個菜單,在App can handle>2gb address space的選項上打鉤就行了。
自己試過之后游戲完美運行,以前連出個副本都會out of memory的情況再也沒出現(xiàn)過了
Out Of Memory

Become the Master - rule your PC's memory and keep it alive as long as you can. New applications will keep coming and it's your task to assign them to memory slots. But be careful - if you run out of space you might get Out Of Memory EXCEPTION!Out of Memory is strategy game in which your task is to allocate memory to applications that are launched on the virtual PC. Compete with other players in online rankings for the most points. Look out for infected and unstable applications, as they will make your task even more challenging.If you mastered 5x5 grid, try a brand new experience on a 6x6 memory grid that will give you more space to allocate the applications, but it will be more challenging as the requirements of the applications also change. If you feel like you need more control over the board, give a try to the adventure mode, in which you will extend the memory the way you like it.Have fun!