spinnn = Spins the screen
relaxenjoylife = Unlock Il Molise + Hyper
honesty = Unlock Moongolow + Hyper
dotgogreenacres = Unlock Green Acres + Hyper
rottingpizza = Unlock Bone Zone + Hyper
peakgamedesign = Unlock Boss Rash
exdashexoneviiq = Unlock Exdash
tramezzini = Unlock Toastie
noneladonna = Unlock Arca
vivaladonna = Unlock Porta
superladonna = Unlock Lama
strongestcharacter = Unlock Poe
bioparco = Unlock Dommario
faschiuma = Unlock Clerici
accidenti = Unlock Krochi
crystalmakeup = Unlock Christine
carramba = Unlock Bianca + Carrelo
reset = Unlock O'Sole Meeo + Celestial
languorino = Unlock Ambrojoe + La Robba
secondevolution = Unlock Gyorunton + Bracelet
earrivatolarrotino = Unlock Big Trouser + Candybox
lhovistoio = Unlock Cosmo
fettinepanate = Unlock Marrabbio
foldinthecheese = Unlock Minnah
yattapanda = Unlock Yatta + Cherry bomb
iwillneverletyouforgetaboutme = Unlock Leda
pinociampino = Unlock Peppino
highfive = Unlock Boros
ablasphemousmockery = Unlock Red Death
thisshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault = Unlock Grimoire
thistooshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault = Unlock Gouda
thankelrond = Unlock Banger
leadmetothecheese = Unlock Map
timecompression = Unlock Tear
eggseggseggs = Unlock Vizard
teleportustomars = Unlock Mindbender
randomazzami = Unlock Randomazzo + Sarabande of Healing
ihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenit = Unlock Yellow Sign
icanhearthecriesofcaptainplanet = Unlock Great Gospel