Cash On Wheels is an educational animated television series developed by MoneyTree Asia Pacific Ltd that takes place in a fictional area called CashVille Town. The series centers on a group of young children that are residents of the town with the absolute interest to learn and explore just about everything. Their names are Penny Wise, Sens Andola, Barry Maveric and Suzy Spendamore. Each has his/her own personality and skills which enjoys sharing challenges when it comes to handling their daily money affairs. In this game, you play Barry Maveric and your mission is to collect as much money as possible while riding a skateboard through town. Be careful potholes and cars because when you hit it you will crash and lose the game. Power up can be collected throughout the game to increase your speed making you able to collect more money. 車輪上的現(xiàn)金是一個(gè)教育電視系列動(dòng)畫片開(kāi)發(fā)的MoneyTree亞太有限公司,發(fā)生在一個(gè)虛構(gòu)的區(qū)域稱為CashVille鎮(zhèn)。該系列產(chǎn)品中心的城鎮(zhèn)居民的絕對(duì)權(quán)益,學(xué)習(xí)和探索的一切只是一群年輕的孩子。他們的名字是小事精明,桑斯Andola,巴里MAVERIC和蘇茜Spendamore的。每個(gè)人都有他/她自己的個(gè)性和技能,享受分享的挑戰(zhàn),當(dāng)它涉及到處理他們的日常貨幣事務(wù)。 在這個(gè)游戲中,你扮演Barry MAVERIC的,你的任務(wù)是盡可能收集盡可能多的錢,而騎滑板通過(guò)鎮(zhèn)。要小心坑洞和汽車,因?yàn)槟愦蛩臅r(shí)候,你會(huì)崩潰,并輸?shù)袅吮荣悺k娫纯梢允占麄€(gè)游戲來(lái)增加你的速度,讓你能夠收集到更多的錢。