Gun Shoot

THE ALL NEW GUNS WEAPONS LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Collect guns the way you want with a large selection of parts in our Gun Shot ! Disassemble your weapon now ! Fill up the gun rack with your personal guns. Gun Shoot is a very first person vision gun shoot game. And the shoot game is totally free. You can get the gold coins by shooting the ZOMBIE , so you can buy other more advanced guns. The more advanced gun you collect , more stronger you will be . Gun Shot Features: Dozens of guns in realistic 3D graphics . Gun shot with zombie shooting . Touch your screen to view shooting range. The M16 to AK47 and sniper guns KRISS Vector Submachine Gun Glock G21 / G30 / G34 Pistol P99 Pistol Thompson M1A1 Submachine Gun / Tommy Gun BAR Light Machine Gun M60 Machine Gun Ultimax 100 Light Machine Gun MK5 RPD Light Machine Gun with classic variant Desert Eagle Hand Gun Colt Python .357 Magnum Revolver Hand Gun 1911 Pistol M9 Pistol Barrett M82 Anti-Material Sniper Rifle TAC-50 Sniper Rifle AS50 TAR-21 / MTAR-21 Bullpup Assault Rifle FAMAS Bullpup Assault Rifle SA80 L85A2 Carbine Remington 870 Pump Shotgun R870 SPAS-12 Combat Shotgun KSG Bullpup Pump-Action Shotgun Moserg 500 Chainsaw Shotgun H&K MP5 Submachine Gun with MP5K / MP5SD variant RPK Light Machine Gun M249 Light Machine Gun (LMG) / SAW AWP, AA-12, AAC Honey Badger Personal Defense Weapon (PDW), AW50 Gun shoot is an CLASSIC and REALISTIC shooting game. Aim and Shoot! Go for the GUNSHOOT now!