In this game you fight epic battles by commanding Byzantine or Turkish soldiers. You gain income as you win battles and will upgrade your soldiers throughout th...

In this game you fight epic battles by commanding Byzantine or Turkish soldiers. You gain income as you win battles and will upgrade your soldiers throughout the game. You can either play epic Ottoman or Byzantine campaign in single-player scenario mode or battle with your friends in local-area-network PvP mode. By advancing each battle on the anatolian map, you fight through the ages from clan to state. You start with either middle asian Turkish troops, or Byzantine-Rum militia, then advance them to soldiers of Byzantine or Ottoman. You gain special powers which you use in critical situations in battle.
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風暴及重甲16 來自于 九游APP 2018-07-30 23:32
九游玩家7lyv1k12... 來自于 九游APP 2019-11-09 04:08