- 海量精品新游搶先體驗(yàn)
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- 快速下載節(jié)約38%下載時(shí)間
- 綠色安全高速下載
War Dragons is a visually stunning 3D real-time strategy game that puts you in control of the ultimate dragon army. Join a guild, help your teammates launch attacks, and hold off enemy raids in true real-time fashion. BREED LEGENDARY DRAGONS War Dragons has more than one hundred unique dragons possessing different attack styles, spell abilities, and classes. Breed your dragons to create an even more powerful army. See if you can unlock the furious behemoth Khrysos and dominate the battlefield! COMBINE FORCES WITH FRIENDS Start or join a guild to combine forces with other dragon lords. With true synchronous multiplayer, you can chat with teammates in real time and coordinate attack and defense strategies against other guilds. BUILD IMPENETRABLE FORTRESSES Strategize and build your island fortress with the optimal combination of lightning, ballista, and archer towers to best protect your base against enemy attack. ASCEND TO THE THRONE Participate in a wide variety of weekly events with the chance to win rewards, such as rare dragon eggs and treasure hunts, for you and your guild. Claw your way up the leaderboards to assert yourself as one of the world’s top dragon lords. EXPLORE THE CHAOTIC BEAUTY OF WAR DRAGONS The game was built on the Mantis Engine, a proprietary 3D game engine, featuring state-of-the-art graphics and cinematics. Experience mobile games like never before with the ability to visually explore all facets of its stunning world. PRAISE FOR WAR DRAGONS “The 3D graphics are spectacular for a mobile device, and this makes War Dragons stand out as the best-looking game of the bunch.” -GamesBeat “War Dragons from Pocket Gems gives us a taste of what it’d be like to unleash giant flying lizards on whatever poor ground-bound schmucks are fated to scurry under their shadows.” -Gamezebo “There's a combat section where your dragon will be flying through an enemy' encampments, and you deal damage to everything as you fly by. You'll also be building your own bases, forming guilds to help work with other players, and just trying to be the biggest, baddest, dragon-taming emperor of them all.” -Touch Arcade Please note that War Dragons is free to play, but you are able to purchase game items with real money. If you want to limit the ability to make in-app purchases, you may create a PIN in the Settings menu from within the Google Play Store. Your use of this application is governed by the Terms of Service available at http://pocketgems.com/terms. Collection and use of your data are subject to the Privacy Policy available at http://pocketgems.com/privacy.
- 海量精品新游搶先體驗(yàn)
- 熱門游戲禮包免費(fèi)領(lǐng)
- 快速下載節(jié)約38%下載時(shí)間
- 綠色安全高速下載
War Dragons is a visually stunning 3D real-time strategy game that puts you in control of the ultimate dragon army. Join a guild, help your teammates launch attacks, and hold off enemy raids in true real-time fashion. BREED LEGENDARY DRAGONS War Dragons has more than one hundred unique dragons possessing different attack styles, spell abilities, and classes. Breed your dragons to create an even more powerful army. See if you can unlock the furious behemoth Khrysos and dominate the battlefield! COMBINE FORCES WITH FRIENDS Start or join a guild to combine forces with other dragon lords. With true synchronous multiplayer, you can chat with teammates in real time and coordinate attack and defense strategies against other guilds. BUILD IMPENETRABLE FORTRESSES Strategize and build your island fortress with the optimal combination of lightning, ballista, and archer towers to best protect your base against enemy attack. ASCEND TO THE THRONE Participate in a wide variety of weekly events with the chance to win rewards, such as rare dragon eggs and treasure hunts, for you and your guild. Claw your way up the leaderboards to assert yourself as one of the world’s top dragon lords. EXPLORE THE CHAOTIC BEAUTY OF WAR DRAGONS The game was built on the Mantis Engine, a proprietary 3D game engine, featuring state-of-the-art graphics and cinematics. Experience mobile games like never before with the ability to visually explore all facets of its stunning world. PRAISE FOR WAR DRAGONS “The 3D graphics are spectacular for a mobile device, and this makes War Dragons stand out as the best-looking game of the bunch.” -GamesBeat “War Dragons from Pocket Gems gives us a taste of what it’d be like to unleash giant flying lizards on whatever poor ground-bound schmucks are fated to scurry under their shadows.” -Gamezebo “There's a combat section where your dragon will be flying through an enemy' encampments, and you deal damage to everything as you fly by. You'll also be building your own bases, forming guilds to help work with other players, and just trying to be the biggest, baddest, dragon-taming emperor of them all.” -Touch Arcade Please note that War Dragons is free to play, but you are able to purchase game items with real money. If you want to limit the ability to make in-app purchases, you may create a PIN in the Settings menu from within the Google Play Store. Your use of this application is governed by the Terms of Service available at http://pocketgems.com/terms. Collection and use of your data are subject to the Privacy Policy available at http://pocketgems.com/privacy.
- 海量精品新游搶先體驗(yàn)
- 熱門游戲禮包免費(fèi)領(lǐng)
- 快速下載節(jié)約38%下載時(shí)間
- 綠色安全高速下載
100萬(wàn)人が大熱狂!!本家リアルタイムバトルRPG ■AppStore無(wú)料ランキング1位獲得! ■登録不要!基本無(wú)料■Android獨(dú)自機(jī)能追加■■スタートボーナスキャンペーン実施中! ?12連レアガチャチケット他、最大7000円相當(dāng)のアイテムプレゼント! 本家リアルタイムバトル「ドラゴンリーグ」がパワーアップ!『ドラゴンリーグA』としてAndroidに転生??! 日本國(guó)內(nèi)の多くのソーシャルバトルゲームに多大な影響をあたえた本家リアルタイムバトルの金字塔。 有名ゲームクリエイター大絶賛!人気ゲーム雑誌やwebメディアに多數(shù)紹介! ◆圧巻!完全オリジナルの対戦システム いまや、新たなジャンルとなったリアルタイムバトルを確立したドラゴンリーグシリーズの最新作! 毎日、無(wú)料で白熱の大亂闘が楽しめるゲーム性を最強(qiáng)に進(jìn)化させてAndroidに堂々の登場(chǎng)だ! ◆衝撃の多人數(shù)リアルタイムバトルを體感! 「20vs20チーム対戦」「1日60分4試合」「リーグバトル方式」など、數(shù)多く生み出した獨(dú)自のゲームシステム。 「亂入攻撃」や「服従召喚獣」「美麗召喚嬢」「無(wú)雙召喚神」「言霊攻め」などのバトルを盛り上げる新要素を続々解禁??! ↓↓さらには、Android版の新要素にも刮目せよ↓↓ ◆Android版「ドラゴンリーグA」の新要素! 【名聲システム】 ?ドラゴンリーグのバトルに勝利して、名聲をあげていこう! ?名聲があげると、參加するドラゴンリーグのクラスがあがり、ランキング報(bào)酬が豪華に! 【エースモード】 ?試合中に掲示板で「エース!」と入力すると、最高戦力のチームメンバーのチカラが借りられる! ?弱いメンバーも「エース」のチカラを宿せば、大逆転のチャンスが??? 【武具スキル】 ?特殊効果のある裝備が登場(chǎng)?。ǎ樱鹰欹⒁陨希??コマンド系スキルやパッシブ系スキルなどを駆使し、バトルに勝ち抜け! ◆ゲーム內(nèi)容~20対20ギルドバトル 最大20人からなる騎士団に入って、仲間を作ろう。 1秒を爭(zhēng)う白熱のリアルタイムバトルは1日4試合決まった時(shí)間に開催されます。 飛び交う攻撃や必殺技、合體技や仲間とのコンボで、逆転につぐ逆転のドラマティックな壯絶バトルを體感できます。 今回、新要素として導(dǎo)入された召喚システムは、呼び出すことで他のチームメンバーと協(xié)力して強(qiáng)化をおこなうことが可能。 最大パワーになったところで効果を発動(dòng)できるので、戦闘で勝利するための強(qiáng)力な手段となります。 ◆ゲーム內(nèi)容~キャラの強(qiáng)化?武器合成 キャラクターの育成や、武器の強(qiáng)化も魅力のひとつ。 新たにつくられたMAP上のフィールドで経験値を上げて、ガッチガチにレベルアップ! 武器を合成して、ガンガン戦闘力を強(qiáng)化!強(qiáng)くなればなるほど、バトルにおいて大活躍できます。 チームバトルにおいても、誰(shuí)しもが主人公になれるゲームです。 アバターも、ファンタジーものから、ヤンキーもの、カワイイ系や、ネタ系まで多數(shù)用意しています。 ◆ゲーム內(nèi)容~召喚システム 召喚には「召喚嬢」「召喚獣」「召喚神」の3種類が存在します。 バトル中に呼び出すと、強(qiáng)力なスキルを発動(dòng)させることができます。 フィールドに現(xiàn)れる召喚神殿の服従バトルなどで手に入れることができます。 バラエティに富んだ多數(shù)の召喚が登場(chǎng)します。 最新情報(bào)は公式サイトと公式Twitterアカウントでチェック! ◆公式サイト:http://www.asobi.co.jp/social/dragonleagueace/ ◆公式Twitterアカウント:https://twitter.com/DragonLeague_A 【対応機(jī)種】 Android OS 4.0以上 メモリ1GB以上推奨 ※Android OS 4.0以上の機(jī)種であっても、一部未対応の機(jī)種もございます。ご了承ください。 システム調(diào)整
- 海量精品新游搶先體驗(yàn)
- 熱門游戲禮包免費(fèi)領(lǐng)
- 快速下載節(jié)約38%下載時(shí)間
- 綠色安全高速下載
- 海量精品新游搶先體驗(yàn)
- 熱門游戲禮包免費(fèi)領(lǐng)
- 快速下載節(jié)約38%下載時(shí)間
- 綠色安全高速下載