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This educational game uses 70 photos of flowers to teach the 26 letters of the English alphabet from A to Z, both uppercase and lowercase. Suitable for students from grade 1 onwards, and those studying English as a second language. Students hear a word spoken, they choose the matching photo and then trace the first letter of the word on the touch screen. Students are encouraged to trace letters by hearing more of the music as they trace. After six right in a row, Race Mode starts automatically. It asks questions at speed to test the students' memory and comprehension of the letters just covered, before continuing with new letters. At the end of the race, students can see how well they have done relative to their other races. The game gradually focuses on any letters that the students have difficulty recognizing, and speeds up as competence is gained. By contrast to Race Mode, Story Mode slowly introduces new letters by saying them as the photos are shown, allowing students to quietly look, listen and learn. The game is controlled by on-screen gestures which are simple to demonstrate and easy to use, and the game can be played without voice prompts. * 70 photos of flowers * Tracing with coloured Bubble Writing * Race Mode tests memory and comprehension against the clock * Story Mode allows students to look, listen and learn * Slideshow Mode displays all 26 letters in sequence, both uppercase and lowercase * Zoom and Pan Mode magnifies the images to see more detail * Easy on-screen gestures to control the game * Context-sensitive help The paid version of this app has much higher resolution photos than the free version. The free version has lower resolution photos and does contain advertising but no push advertising. No internet connection is required. 這種教育游戲使用70張照片花教26個字母的英文字母從A到Z,大寫和小寫。適用于從1年級開始的學生,以及那些學習英語作為第二語言。 聽到同學說了一句話,他們選擇匹配的照片,然后跟蹤這個詞的觸摸屏上的第一個字母。鼓勵學生通過聽更多的音樂,因為他們跟蹤追查信件。經(jīng)過六年右邊一排,競賽模式會自動啟動。它提出問題的速度,以測試學生的記憶,只是覆蓋了字母的理解,新的字母,然后再繼續(xù)。在比賽結(jié)束后,學生們可以看到他們做得有多好相對于他們的其他種族。本場比賽逐漸側(cè)重于學生有困難承認任何信件,并加快為能力的積累。 與此相反,以競賽模式,故事模式慢慢說他們作為照片顯示,讓學生靜靜地看,聽,學引入了新的字母。 該游戲是通過屏幕上的手勢它們是簡單的,以證明和易于使用的控制,并且在游戲可以在沒有語音提示播放。 * 70張照片花 *用彩色泡泡寫作追蹤 *競賽模式測試記憶力和理解力分秒必爭 *故事模式可以讓學生看,聽和學 *幻燈片模式顯示序列中的所有26個字母,大寫和小寫 *縮放和平移模式放大圖像查看詳情 *易于屏幕上的手勢來控制游戲 *上下文敏感的幫助 這個應用程序的付費版本具有更高分辨率的照片比免費版。免費版具有較低分辨率的照片,并沒有包含廣告,但沒有推送廣告。無需網(wǎng)絡連接。